YouTube videos

General promo video

(3 minutes)

Watch Brenton performing Live with full backing band and a zesty live audience!  While we love working with a full band, the show is also available solo (with backing tracks) or with smaller backing groups.  We can work with you to suit your venue and budget. Elton John is in the building!

PTV Commercial (Melbourne)

(48 seconds)

For two days in January 2023 Brenton sang on trams and performed concerts in the Flinders Street Station as an activation project for Public Transport Victoria. Here’s what that looked like!

We’ll bring the grand piano

The secret’s out!  Here’s a fun 2 minute video of us setting up our piano shell at a venue prior to a gig.  We can bring the grand piano experience to your venue, large or small for the full Elton John experience.  Elton without a grand piano is like Roy Orbison without dark glasses* so we make it happen.

Just ignore the “Crocodile Rocket” logo – that’s what we used to call our show, but apparently people found it confusing.

* Elton did do at least one tour without his trademark instrument.  I saw him – around 1993 – performing in Adelaide with an electric keyboard, facing the audience.  It was still a great performance, but he didn’t quite look himself.